Nile delta

The delta

The Nile Delta is located in the north of Egypt, where the Nile River flows into the Mediterranean Sea.
The Nile Delta is 20,000 km2 in size. The delta is a place with a lot of fertile land.
This delta has a large population density.
50% of the Egyptian population lives in the delta. (Delta Alliance, s.d.)

Nile Delta

Urbanisation creates sizeable problems

In Egypt, the majority of the population is located in the area around the Nile delta or river.

Egypt is losing about two percent of its arable land per year to urbanisation (Voiland, s.d.).
Studies show that based on how the land is consumed by urbanisation, most of the agricultural
land in Egypt will be lost in the future(Alfiky & Salheen, 2019). Agriculture is the main source
of economic activity for Egypt (Abd EL-kawy et al., 2019a).

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Cairo, Egypt(The European Space Agency, 2021b)

Rapid growth of the population

Egypt's population is growing by about two per cent a year. Rapid population growth is therefore causing major problems.
The Rapid growth of the population means that careful consideration must be given to how the limited land reserves can
be preserved to improve agricultural productivity. And how to preserve the fertile land of the delta (Thenkabail, 2020).
In Alexandria, between 1987 and 2019, the land used for agriculture decreased by eleven per cent as opposed to the urbanised
areas which actually increased by the same amount (Voiland, s.d.).

alexandria nile

Urban area growth in Alexandria (Voiland, s.d.).


A solution to the land loss could be to build in the desert in the west of the delta to
free up more land for farming (Voiland, s.d.).

cairo solutions